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Friday 6 August 2010

Happy Twisting!!!

Hatha Yoga classic twisting poses - Ardha Matsyendrasana

Twisting Pose is a blessing for the overall well being. It can be practiced in Standing , Seating and lying & inversion position bu
t the same benefits you can reap;

Physical Benefits
> Helps to keep the spine elastic by retaining side-to-side mobility
>Helps to relieve muscular problems in the back and hips
>Removes adhesions in the joints caused by rheumatism
>Increases the synovial fluid of the joints and makes the joints very active
>Tones the roots of the spinal nerves and the sympathetic nervous system and brings a fresh supply of blood
>Massage the abdominal muscles , relieving digestive problems.
>Benefits the gall bladder , spleen , kidneys ,liver and bowels

Mental Benefits:
>Helps to cure disorders of the nervous system
>bring peace of mind

Fire Of Love - by Aadil Palkhivala

How can "twisting to the left "in yoga class help us make things right in the world ? how can pressing your right shoulder Blade down in your mat lift up this troubled world?in otehr words , is there a way that our yoga practice can reach beyond our mat, out into the world ? it all begins with feeling.

Feeling is the essence of life. Without feeling , we are not quite human. The real value of our asana practice is that , as we do pose after pose with awareness , we are inviting more sensitivity into our bodies and our lives. We are learning to tune in and feel. So we not only feel better, but we feel better.

When we are intensely sensitive , we taste the unique flavor of each moment. This makes our lives so much richer and more enjoyable. The more sensitive and aware we are, the more we instinctively know what to do , and make correct decisions that avert future pain and regret. We clearly feel what moves us toward our Dharma, and what takes us away from it. Sensitivity simultaneously makes us more intensely focused and more expansively peaceful, and we are able to elegantly handle life's endless dilemmas without feeling overwhelmed or fearful. Yoga compels us always to become more conscious , more aware of ourselves - our bodies , minds , feelings , our very nature. When we are feeling fully , we are finally living in the now.

Parivrtta Ardha Padmasana ( chair version )
A modified version with the wall of Parivrtta Parsvakonasana ( Reversed Side Angle Stretch )

Jathara Parivartanasana ( reclined spinal twist )

Other thing you might need to know about the spinal cord. Basically , the Spinal Cord is a long Hollow column containing spinal nerves , tissues & cartilage , without it , especially without the proper functioning of the spinal nerves , your body can not make a move or feel a thing. Why twisting pose can bring the ultimate benefits to our health as it stimulates efficiently the function of Spinal cord.