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Monday 2 August 2010

An Evening of Wisdom and Joy with His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

His farsighted Wisdom and humour have successfully cut across the barriers of country , race , language and religion. He advocates and promotes a powerful breathing-based technique, call Sudarshan Kriya , or the healing breath which has benefited more than 20 millions people in over 150 countries and the globe taking them from depression and negative emotions to more joyful life. His insights into human behaviour has helped many to come out of confusion into greater clarity of mind and better decision making. His conversation advocating peace with world renowned leader have helped annihilate numerous conflicts and entanglements. He is deeply convinced that both love and wisdom can conquer hatred and tribulations , and love alone can unite the world into one big family.

His holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shanka, or affectionately known as Guruji, a spiritual leader who has won countless international awards , a leader who has been nominated three times for the Noble Peace Prize, a Humanitarian who travels to 40 countries yearly to promote stress free and violent free world, he will be here with you to create the spark of wisdom and Joy

Kuala Lumpur
Date : 13 August Friday
Time : 7:00pm
Venue: Wisma MCA , Dewan San choun 163 Jalan Ampang

Date : 14 August ,Saturday
Time: 7:00pm
Venue : PISA Stadium

Organiser ; Art of Living Malaysia
* Admission by Invitation

For invitation , please click the link : www.artofliving.org.my