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Monday 9 April 2012

Progressed sequence for Alignment II Class

Modified Ekapada Viparite Dandasana with the chair
Progressed Sequence

Progressed Sequence in Alignment II class includes various breakdown steps and the opening segments -the chest , the lower back , hamstrings , the front thighs and inner thighs to prepare for more advanced poses like Stupa Padangustasana , Kraunchasana , Supta Bhekasana and Modified Ekapada Viparita Dandasana and ekapada Urdhva Dhanurasana. As usual , get the major group of muscles and joints warm-up and move the spine in all directions, do modified Matyasana ( the fish pose ) to open up the chest.  And do few rounds of sun Salutation and add The Chair & high lunge further to heat up the entire body. especially the hips regions. Practice tool needed for the sequence - A chair , 8 or 10 feet long yoga Belt , a firm yoga block. a folded blanket to cushion the knees or ankles for those having the problems or injury in these areas.   

High Lunge with the Chair

Kraunchasana with the belt

The Plank with the chair

Supported Matyasana