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Saturday, 30 July 2011

Restorative Yoga begins in August

A new class ,restorative & restful yoga will be introduced in August. Restorative yoga has been helpful for people with diverse conditions, such as insomnia, back pain , high blood pressure , migraine and tension headaches , stress -related diseases, chronic fatigue and so on. it is a gateway to deep relaxation and live well.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Live in the Moment - Slow down

Slow down

Self-confident tends to slow people down, which for most of us would be highly desirable. You no longer need to prove yourself , or be anxious about everyday encounters. The phrase " take your time" is an important one - it is your time, and it is up to you what you do with it. Do not fill silences with words: relax , and give yourself time to ponder.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Live in the Moment - Bright Side

Bright Side

Positive emotions such as joy , love and gratitude expand our perspective on life , by pulling off the blinkers of the ego. Our minds open out , and we become more creative , more imaginative , more spontaneous , more generous. Join this upward spiral now - it is the key to happiness.

hunch back , stiff shoulder and neck, numbness in the arm & hands seem to become the "dark side " in the back of the body as a result of modern sedentary lifestyle. taking care of " the back "of the body is almost forgotten while only think of working hard as workaholic. try this to shoulder saver to bring balance and stability back in the region.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Iyengar workshop with Bobby Clennel

Bobby Clennel & me

i joined an Iyengar workshop 2 weeks ago with a Senior Iyengar yoga teacher, New Yorker- Bobby Clennel. The workshop was held at Triyoga Studio, Subang, Kuala Lumpur.

The session i join was a restorative & a mental calming sequence of asanas to generate the energy we need for life as it helps remove physical and mental exhaustion , fatigue , emotional depletion , stress and depression. Bobby showed us how to use Iyengar yoga's gears properly- the chair , bolster and the wall rope effectively.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Live in the Moment - inward , outward

Inward , Outward
Awareness that focuses entirely inward,into the mind , the spirit , and the self while failing to give due attention to the wonders of nature and the universe, is merely a partial experience. To travel onward we need to go joyfully out into the world as well as deep into the recesses of our being.

when temporary cut out with the object in the surrounding ,( withdraw the eye sense in yoga called patyahara ) will slow the thought down and give the mind a quiet break. in this particular position allows the front of the brain cool down.

Live in the Moment - downtime


Ensure you have at least two hours of uninterrupted leisure each week. use these hours however you choose , but always find time to really relax. Your refreshed outlook will benefit every area of your life.

working with a private cooperate group every weekends and i introduce them a short sequence of a yoganap - supported forward bend and inversion to recharge them after a long week

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Live in the moment - keep moving

Keep moving

Our bodies are made to move - any activity in which we remain mostly static for long periods ,including sitting or standing ,will make us stiff and uncomfortable. Balance your different types of activity: still and moving , mental and physical. keeping active will help you to function as a rounded person.

the ride seemed to take a long haul from Dharamsala to Manali due to the mountainous condition in the northern state of India. We really needed to stretch out while waiting our van got the flat tyre fixed.

Live in the moment - unfoldings


Events in the world develop through complicated patterns of cause and effect. Often , it is best just to let the causal sequence unwind , at least for a while , resisting the temptation to intercede or to help it on its way.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Live in the Moment - Beginnings


A birthday is simply an anniversary. But next time your celebrate yours, think beyond itself to the actual moment of your entry into the world. Then return yourself to the present by doing, in spirit of self-affirmation, one of the things that is most characteristic of you and makes your special to yourself. Rejoice in your individuality.

Live in the Moment - Looking Back

Looking Back

As you prepare for bed , run through the highlights of the past day and relish the most enjoyable of them. Put aside your uncomfortable memories to learn from tomorrow. also take a few minutes to praise yourself. Congratulate yourself on the achievements of the day. assign unfinished tasks to another day ( not necessarily tomorrow ) , in the knowledge that you have done your best.

Live in the Moment - The Value of Now

The Value of Now

" You can not do a kindness too soon , for you never know how soon it will be too late."

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Live in the Moment - Three-way balance

Three-way balance

Some teachers prefer to speak of "awareness " rather than " mindfulness, " arguing that the latter word implies an over-emphasis on mind at the expense of body and spirit. Do not elevate the mind to the throne of supreme power. If you catch yourself being over-intellectual,or placing too much faith in logic, read a sacred text and spend an hour in the gym - or whatever equivalent activities you feel more comfortable with. Let your mind know its place.

Live in the Moment - Arm's length

Arm's Length

Emotional attachments can impair our judgment , leading us into self-perpetuating trouble. If you can master the art of emotionally separating yourself from the situations you are in, this can help you with the cool , clear decisions needed to live in a spirit of love , compassion , fairness , and sincerity.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Live in the Moment - Turn inward

Forward bends connect us with our inner self. Stand with your feet slightly apart and parallel. breathe in , lift your arms above your head, then breathe out and bend gently forward. Bring your hands to your thighs , calves , or the floor. Stay here for one breath, then slowly roll your spine up to standing.