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Monday 26 July 2010

Review of July's Classes

Supported Yoga / Kurunta Class

"Practice asanas by creating space in the muscles and skin , so that the fine network of the body fits into the asana. - by BKS Iyengar. definitely Kurunta or other props Offer plenty opportunities to work a deeper layer of poses( asanas). The Difference between the practice with the supporting tool and without i will elaborate in the next post. Those who have tried Kurunta , hopefully you enjoy that , and find a different 'feel '' !

The following poses are practiced with Kurunta this month ;

Two Standing Poses
1) Utthita Trikonasana
2) Utthita Parsvakonasan

Three Backward Bend Poses
1) Urdhva Mukha Savanasana
2) Ustrasana
3) Anjaneyasana

Three Seated Poses
1) Baddha Konasana
2) Pachimottasana
3) Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

Vinyasa Class

Regardless of whether it is a slow pace,alignment- oriented practice with support or a sweaty dynamic pace of Vinyasa. Basically what to achieve from the practice is unity -the core of yoga , "practicing with discrimination and awareness , bring the body , mind and consciousness into a single , harmonious whole." by BKS Iyengar

Thank to Wendy Cheing for posing in July's feature of vinyasa sequence. if you like to take the challenge from what you see in the pictures. see you in the Vinyasa class!