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Thursday 17 September 2009

"My Guru ,The Chair"

Years ago , BKS Iyengar wrote a famous article, " My Guru , the Wall" in which he explains how the wall can be the best teacher - in part because it does not lie. He like the wall that give excellent feedback about our posture both in daily life and when practicing yoga. The wall reminds us to lengthen and align the spine and also provides a convenient reminder not to slouch forward but to open our chest and lungs and breathe deeply.

Besides the wall , BKS Iyengar , has come out with many innovative ways to use different form of props like chairs , wall ropes , cushions and bolster & pillow.

The use of props facilitates imprinting of the correct action in the pose so that the student understands it when the prop has been removed. The benefit from practicing Asana is a big deal , so the student gets a taste of what it feels like to let go in a well supported pose, to relax and enjoy it. They works particularly well for people with chronic illness to practice without under strain and fatigue.

Amongst these variety of props , chair is my favorite to use , particularly i use it to work well with few senior private students. some students said that they just discover how useful and magical a chair can be. Then ,they will tell me " i am gonna to get one too and do at home"

In fact , you can always practice with other 'substitute props ' around your living space or the work space you can get. How about using the staircase hand railing , the low wall and even with the table or an office chair , anything can give you a firm and steady support, will work magic as a chair. Do enjoy your yoga asana practice to the full daily !!!

The shoulder opening on Monday sessions to open up the upper back for backbending, practising with elbow rested on the edge of the chair with a block holding in the hand. it is an excellent preparatory opening for Pincha Mayurasana ( feather Peacock Pose ) and also to bring awareness closely to the breathing

Another version of shoulder openner with chairs Eric and Jocelyn Song are working on

Modified Utthita Marichyasana I twist with the wall and the chair

Modified Utthita Marichyasana II twist with the wall and the chair, This version combines the stretch to the sidebody,enhance the length of the whole body from heel to the crown

Bharadvajasana ( simple twist )on the chair serves as a neutralizer before or after backbending

For inflexible people , is capable of doing this wonderful backbending with the support of a chair.the pose stretches away the stiffness & tension out of the whole body. it's one of my favorite poses to do daily

Eric , a well built guy finds ease in Backbending with the chair.

Kenny and Nicole in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ( chair upward dog )

Angie in the supported Ustrasana ( the Camel ) pose, she is used to have difficulty of reaching her hands on heels

Calming Uttanasana ( standing forward bend ) with the chair

Le Na , BoaBoa practicing Adho Mukha Svanasana ( downward facing dog )