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Saturday 19 September 2009

Hip Openers!

The hip region is ' a common problematic zone' where the stagnant energy ' is easily being stuck if we do not anything to maintain the mobility. It is likely that the restriction in the range of the hip movements will affect the lower back and the knee as well . There are many connective tissues at every' crook and cranny' in the hip joints that we need to stretch it progressively . And the particular sequence of hip opener that is focused on every Mondays session helps remove layers of resistance and also improves the circulation or the Energy between the upper body and the lower body that you get greater freedom.

For Yin yoga , it has a series of floor work and it emphasizes the connective tissues of the hips , thighs , pelvis and the lower spine too

Like the Triangle pose - the gate opens the side torso and hips
Half Circle pose is a built-up pose how the wild thing feels like, with the integration of hips and Shoulder and legs
Half downward dog with single leg raised
The low Lunge releases tension & tightness in the lower back and thighs

Scissors leg floor twist

Side Sleeping Buddha Pose as Physiotherapy pose

in Yin Yoga , called the Cat pulling its Tails!!
Half Bhekasan ( half frog pose ) to release the front thigh and Hips Flexor

Salabasana ( locust pose ) helps strengthen the hips flexor
The Bridge is one of my favourite pose to open up the whole front body
Very Restorative & relaxing Reclined Bound Angle Pose with Supported , allows your body to receive the opening not only in the hip region but in the chest region as well