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Saturday 19 September 2009

Flying 'N ' Opening

Flying High with Pincha Mayurasana -Feather Peacock Pose 'N' Deep heart Opening with King Cobra Pose & King Pigeon on Weekend Vinyasa Flow;-

Amelia Tan shows another tricky variations of headstand with hands rested on shoulders

Instructing Melissa to soften the heart , keep the side body long, head up and keep the gaze forward before flying up

Melissa Ang , is always detemined to work on a new challenge !

No bad , Jacky , she got a good form of pincha ,progressing just need practicing !

New comer - Tey gives it a try
assisting Voon to Kick up in Pincha Mayurasana
Pincha Mayurasana! a lot coordination & balancing than arm work!!

Amelia Tan shows in a' Replica of Vincent Tam 's King Pigeon"
Working with Jacky Lim
Winnie Liew has super flexi back bone

Marilyn is attempting this tricky pose