There is no better way to maintain the mobility and the health of the lower back with the most effective of yoga asana practice. The following sequences ( A , B , C , D , E ) are a combination of stretching , releasing , strengthening and realigning for the lower back & the hips as well. Do mix & match from these 5 group of sequences for a customize practice. A , C &E sequences are good for opening a morning practice or unwinding before the bedtime ,bearing in mind that D Sequence is indispensable as it helps to strengthening the muscles ,tissues & ligament in that region.
Note : Consult with the physician prior to try any of these movements if you have any serious joints related complaints & Injuries.
A(1)- Supine full body stretch - to press the feet to the wall and stretch both arms upward to creat4 traction to extend the whole body and the spine.
A(2) -Ardha Apanasana ( Single leg knee to Chest ) - to stretch the hips and the lower back and also the upper back and the back of the neck. Repeat this to the opposite leg.
A(3) -Apanasana ( Knee to Chest ) - ditto A( 2 ).
A(4)- Upper spine twist and stretch , Repeat this to the opposite side and then complete with A(3).
A(5) -Supta Bandha Konasana ( Reclined Bound Angle Pose ) - to release the inner thighs & relieve the tension in the lower back.
A(6)- Ardha Ananada Balasana ( Half Happy Baby ) - to stretch the Groins and hamstring -Repeat this to the opposite leg.
A(7) -Ananada Balasana ( HappyBaby ) - Ditto as A( 6 ) and completed with A(3)
A(8) - Modified Twist Pose - to stretch the I T band and the relief the lower back- Repeat to the opposite leg
A(9) -Diagonal Knee to Chest Pose - stretch the outer hip joins and Gluteus muscles - Repeat this to the opposite leg
A(10) - Reclined Spinal Twist - release the tension in the lumber spine and the outer hip - Repeat this to opposite leg
A(11) -Supine full body stretch - realign the spine and all the muscles in the whole body.
Note :Repeat the whole sequence all over again , do at least 2 repetitions each side and hold each pose for at least 5 breaths
A(11) B SEQUENCEB(1) - Modified Downward facing Dog with the wall -open up the whole body and a good stretch for the spine.
Note : Bent the knee for tight hamstring.
B(2) -Modified Trikonasana - stretch the side torso and the spine.
Note : Put the hand on the waist instead of stretching upward and the bottom hand supports on the Block.
B(3) -Trikonasana - Ditto as B (2).
B(4) -Virabhadrasana ( worrior II ) - As a transition pose between B(3) & B(5)
B(5) - Utthita Parsva Konasana ( Extended Side Angle Stretch ) - stretch side torso and the hips joints.
Note : Foll all standing poses above, take the sacrum down and tuck in the tailbone slightly to create space for the lumber region and the pelvis region.
Note : Hold each pose at least a minute or 5 breaths.
B(5) C SEQUENCEC(1) - Dandasana ( Steated Stuff Pose ) - Stretch the leg and the torso & the spine.
C(2 ) - Ardha Myendrasana ( Half Lord of fish pose ) - Twist & tones the whole spine.
Note : Do the twisting pose slowly , especially those who have slip disc or serious back problem.
C( 3 ) -Janu Sirsasana - ( Half seated forward Bend Pose ) - stretch the lower back & hips.
Note : avoid intense forward stretch for serious back complaint.
C(4) - Parivirta Janu Sirsasana Modified - it is a good stretch for the lower back.
Note : repeat the whole sequence all over again if time allowed.hold each pose for at least 5 breaths.
C ( 2)
C(4) D SEQUENCED(1) -Sphix Asana or Baby Cobra , keep the legs together and the elbows are under the shoulder , and it is about shoulder width apart. The chest is up and the collarbone is board. the head is in the neutral position with the rest of the spine.
D(2) -Uttha Pristhasana ( The lizard Pose ) -Relief the whole spine.
D(3) - Shalabhasana ( Locust Pose ) Variation 1 -Strengthens the muscles of the back and the lower back.
D(4) -Bhujagasana ( Cobra Pose ) -Stretch the entire spine.
Note : skip this D(4) for serious back complaint.
D(4) E SEQUENCEE(1) - Setu Bandha Sarvagasana ( The Bridge Pose ) modified - do a few rounds of tilting up and down of pelvis with the arms by the sides to loosen the lower back and then hold the pose with a block supported underneath.
E(2) - Reclined bound Angle Pose - neutralize the lower back.
E(3) -Pandangustasana 1( Hand to toes ) modified with the stretching belt, this pose helps to realign the lower back.
E(4) -Pandangustasana 2 ( Hand to toes ) modified with the stretching belt - stretch to the side.
E(5)-Reclined Bound Angle Pose modified with the wall ,
E(6)-Half Lotus Hip opener modified with the wall - repeat this to the opposite leg and complete each side with Apanasana as E(8).
E(7) -Viparita Karani ( leg to the wall pose ) , hold this pose for couple of minutes before releasing to E (8)
E(8) -Apanasana ( Knee to Chest ) - relax the legs.
E(9) -Supported Bridge Pose -Passive stretch the upper chest and revitalizes the whole body.