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Thursday, 10 December 2009

A new life chapter....

for William & Jacky... :)

Officially man & wife on 06.Dec.2009

*sorry. had to grab pic from William's FB...

Lastly but not least~

Welcome to the family, William :D

*this post is done by Jacky's little cousin :p

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Photo Gallery

Jeff , Celine , Mr Yong & Wendy Chieng in Pincha Mayurasana
Man Wei in Pincha Mayurasana practice
Doreen in Headstand practice
Kenny in the Bridge Pose
Jacky Lim in full Pigeon Pose
Wendy Chieng in Pincha Mayurasana practice
Wendy Chieng in backward bending
Wendy Chieng in Backward Bending Pose
Wendy Chieng in Hanumansana Pose
Wendy Chieng in Wild Thing Pose
Wendy Chieng in Arm balancing Pose
Wendy Chieng in standing Split Pose

Wendy Liew in Half Lotus Standing Forward Bend
Standing Hand to Toe
Man Wei in Arm Balancing
Jacky Lim in Half Moon Balancing
Jacky Lim in Single leg downward Dog
Morning Downward Dog Stretch
Plough Pose Variation
Padma Headstand